hello lovelies! what a beautiful friday evening!
as promised, here is the hantaran artificial flowers ordered by Syazwan.

Syazwan is quite particluar with his hantaran. he wanted everything to be nice and perfect

he wanted fresh flowers hantaran but his fiancee did fresh flowers, so he chose artificial flowers

i am so happy to see his happy face on the day he picked up the hantaran. so do his sisters who seemed happy with the outcome.
syazwan, thanks soo much for your order. thanks for the layer cake, the chocs and the food sent by your mom to me, really appreciate them! :)


Syazwan Zahari said...

Thanks a lot to Kak Suzana LFP, my engagement day so shining with ur creation! Hantaran tu superb, ramai orang puji. Keep it up d good works sis... ^_^ my wedding day is around d corner, i'll call u for the next order.. :-D tq

deangraziosi said...

Good to see this lovely creation. Heads off to you for this shining creation by you here.
dean graziosi

Little Flower Pot and Gifts said...

thanks syazwan!
i am looking forward to create another shining creation just for you! waiting for your call :))


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