Happy Saturday!
what a lovely day today..selepas siap keje2 sumer, bolehlah update blog..
kalau tak siap tempahan, mimpi lah nak dok sini upload gambar hehe

this is mazlina's bridal bouquet. she loved it!! she smsed me right after receiving it and compliment the bouquet. thanks so much for giving me the opportunity and freedom to choose and pour my creativity towards this.
this hantaran was from mazlina to hubby. she bought the ceramic tray and asked me to decorate the hantaran. the color is green and white
she's so easy to work with. she's not fussy AT ALL. she's open to any ideas so when i said white rose with green button mums and green carnation, she agreed immediately! i love the flower combination.
i know, my camera didn't do justice to the hantaran. it looked dull..yes..
in reality, it's a really sweet and pure-looking hantaran.mazlina told me that her mum loved it!!
something that i wanted to do for so long..green button mums made into pillow shape ring holder and surrounded with bushes of roses and carnations and mums. mazlina wanted to use her blue ring holder so i just had to agree hehe..otherwise, we just proceed with the old style: ring with ribbon.
thanks mazlina for choosing us to be part of your wedding day..i am so happy to do this hantaran.
Beautiful fresh Flower delivery daily online.This is very time saving and economical way.
hi..bole qoute kn orice utk hantaran set mcm ni tk to thumbelina_gemini@yahoo.com and also gamba cth utk pakej hantaran 2011. thanks
It is great to read some of the information and feedback, here. I hope to read more ideas in the future!!!
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